Shoe Trees
December 3, 2012
Drying Off
It started raining in the Bay Area this weekend. Really turbulent winds and heavy showers meant that every time I…
August 20, 2012
Shoe Project: Florsheim Imperial Longwings
When I travel, I prefer to take only one pair of dress shoes – it leaves me room for a…
January 6, 2012
Late Night With David Letterman: The Book
From “Late Night with David Letterman: The Book”
August 20, 2011
The Patent For The Modern Monkstrap Shoe
Check out the patent for the modern monkstrap shoe (Baltimore, 1924). Also, for uber shoe nerds, here are the patents…
April 28, 2010
I Went Thrifting In Palm Springs The Other Day.
I went thrifting in Palm Springs the other day. Didn’t buy much, but I did pick up a couple new…
April 23, 2010
Q And Answer: Episode 2 Followups
Amar writes: Where can I get some of the shoe care items (like polish and conditioner) that you show in…