The Case Of The Discounted Hats

September 27, 2024

It was overcast in MacArthur Park when I reached the offices at Put This On, the kind of day where you aren’t sure if you should pack your trench coat or wear that Hawaiian button-down sitting in the back of your closet. The place smelled like smoky leather and silver polish. But I wasn’t here to be tempted by the vestments. Someone had stolen Mrs. Karrington’s jewels, and they were willing to kill for it.

“We’re closed,” said a soft voice from around the shelves.

“I’m not here to shop.”

“Oh, a suitor, then?”

Ms. Brynna had the fair weather vibe of one of those gals who laughs like a bell and picks up seashells, but I knew better than to trust a straw hat and a sundress.

“No, Ma’am. Just wondering if you’ve seen anything like this come through here.” I handed her the sketch of the missing insignia ring.

“Can’t say for sure. Nice fedora,” she whispered, “Size 7?”

“How did you know?”

“I’ve been here all week sizing hats. You can ask my boss.”

“Your boss has been out of town.” The bailiff had an airtight alibi. Maybe Ms. Brynna hadn’t been so careful. I couldn’t risk spooking her – she’d be off to Turks and Caicos in a panama hat faster than you could say “collar gap.”

“What kinda hats?”

“Oh, you know, cowboy hats, homburgs, wool caps, berets, vintage baseball numbers. Anything you can think of, really.”

I could see the selection behind her. She wasn’t blowing smoke. They were quality hats – not a dud in the bunch.

I thought of the description of the mysterious figure that had left Mrs. Karrington’s place late Tuesday night. “What about an inflatable rain hat?”

She looked nervous. “No.” But that second of hesitation in her voice told me a different story.

“Here’s my number if you happen to see something like that. And take care.”

“Don’t worry about me, Detective.”

I turned to go.


I turned back without a word. Maybe this bird would sing after all.

“All our new stock is on our website. You ever want to update your wardrobe,” she paused, “I’ll knock 10% off – just use the code PTOHATS at checkout.”

Looked like I was in for an interesting night after all.

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