What If The Internet Wasn’t For Dicks?

August 19, 2013

The last episode of Put This On is coming NEXT WEEK, but in the meantime, here’s something great that our PTO director Ben Harrison and I put together.

I co-host the comedy podcast Jordan Jesse Go with my friend Jordan Morris. We wondered: what if the internet wasn’t for dicks?

So we went to our audience and raised enough money to buy a thousand strangers an ice cream cone. Then we flew to Denver did it – we bought a thousand people some ice cream. Or actually maybe 995 people and five dogs. And everyone got a card with the name of the person who bought their cone.

It was one of the best days of my life, and it really reminded me how much more rewarding it is to do something for someone else, even something stupid, than to do something for yourself. Though I did eat a pretty fair amount of ice cream over the course of the day.

Anyway, watch, enjoy and share the video. And do something nice for somebody today!