With most sunglasses retailing between $100 and $300, actually buying a pair can be quite expensive. So for the last installment to this series, Agyesh and I would like to talk about how to get the most out of your purchase.
The first matter is knowing how to properly clean them. The key here is to make sure you don’t scratch your lenses, as they can be expensive to replace. If you’re in a normal climate, use a soft microfiber cloth. These will be better than, say, wiping your lenses with your shirt. When these cloths get dirty, gently wash them with water, but don’t put them in the dryer, as you’ll ruin the microfibers.
If you live in a dirtier climate, you may have hard particles on your glasses. In this case, don’t just rub the lenses with a cloth. You may end up scratching them. Instead, rinse them under running water and use a little liquid soap (though not the kind with scented crystals). Once you’re done, dab (don’t rub) your sunglasses with a soft cloth.
You should also not leave your sunglasses in particularly hot environments, such as the dashboard of your car. You can warp your lenses if they’re plastic, or at least degrade the protective films or coatings. Additionally, don’t prop your sunglasses on top of your head (doing so will stretch out the temples) and keep them in their hard protective cases when you’re not using them. If you don’t like hard cases, at least get the soft ones; don’t just shove your glasses into your pockets unprotected.
Lastly, take your sunglasses to an optical shop and have them regularly adjusted. Remember, all this usage will take a toll on the temples and nose pads! Most shops will do this for free, so stop by when they’re not busy and take advantage of the service.
So that’s it. We’ve gone through how to determine quality, covered a ton of models, and discussed how to choose a pair that’s right for you. Today, we’ve also reviewed some basic maintenance tips. Remember that while they make for great accessories, sunglasses are also practical. As any optometrist will tell you, UV rays can permanently damage your eyes over time, so you need to have a good pair of sunglasses throughout the year. With this guide, now you can buy yourself the best pair.
* Original artwork above by Agyesh Madan