It’s on sale: Lands’ End linen-cotton trousers — Finding reasonably priced summer trousers can be rather tough (at least before the summer’s over). While cotton trousers are pretty easy to find cheaply, linen’s a bit tougher.
These trousers from Lands’ End are really great. The pants are in their “tailored” fit and are a 54-46 linen-cotton blend, which means they’ve got the breathability of linen, but some wrinkle resistance from cotton.
I’ve personally bought three of them already — that’s how much I like them. I wore them on my trip to Napa Valley earlier this summer in 90-degree heat and continued to wear them quite frequently this summer. The fabric is durable, feels great and is from the Baird McNutt mill in Ireland. I’m extremely pleased with these trousers and on sale they’re a great deal.
Just use code BANNER with PIN 2323 to get an additional 20% off the sale price and free shipping, which brings them to just $56 a pair. That’s a heckuva deal.
Personally, I’m a fan of their “sand” color, but they’ve also got pairs in navy and blogger blue.
Sale ends today at midnight.