These [Real McCoy’s] jeans are smarter than you are, designed with rough labor and nonsense-averse boots in mind, maybe even the cordovan engineer ones by Buco, which look as if they would have steadied many a soldier during the world wars. (They’d also be very effective in an episode of cop fetish play.)
The price is worth lingering on: $2,860. It’s a comical number, an amount for which you could buy a reasonable winter wardrobe, with money left over for extra Timberlands. But the goal of these boots, and the goal of most of the clothes at the Real McCoy’s, is to hide your money in plain sight, evident only to your fellow cognoscenti.
Jon Caramanica in The New York Times, reviewing the new-ish Real McCoy’s store in Soho, a source for stealth wealth.
Photo (presumably not the cordovan boots) by Jennifer S. Altman.