This Fits has a good tip about a Lands End Canvas sale right now. There are certainly better oxfords out there, and he’s right about the disappointing collars, but the pricepoint can be very attractive if you need affordable options. A better oxford would be Brooks Brothers. Those go on sale for about $40-50 once the season ends, so make the chioce that’s right for you.
TODAY ONLY: Lands’ End Canvas Heritage Oxfords for $20 Shipped
Use promo code STILLTIME (PIN 4268) for no minimum free shipping.
This month, Lands’ End Canvas is running one-day-only promotions through the 20th. Today’s deal is pretty good: $20 for select shirts, including their well-regarded heritage oxfords.
With their fairly slim fit, LEC’s oxfords are some of my favorite shirts. In fact, if they redesigned them with slightly beefier collars, I’d probably not look elsewhere for OCBDs.
Today’s sale is a bit of a rare event: I’ve watched the price on these oxfords steadily increase since LEC launched two years ago, and they’re now sitting at nearly $50 full price. While a number of them go on sale, a few staple colors almost never do, including the blue-striped oxford above. If you’re looking to stock up on a few basic shirts, don’t miss this.