Tailored Fit Flat Front Flannel Trousers – $90.65 shipped at Lands’ End
Use promo code STUDY, PIN 1372 (30% off one item, free shipping for $50+ purchase)
I’ve been on the look out for mid-grey flannel pants for a few weeks now, and this is the best price I’ve seen yet. Note that there’s free hemming, down to the quarter inch. That said, Kiyoshi and others have said these still need a taper, so you may not save that much on tailoring.
This is a very solid value (note that the coupon is probably limited, but you can get a deal by signing up for Lands’ End’s newsletter). I would recommend Polo from eBay first – there’s usually some there for about this price – but otherwise, go Lands’ End if you don’t want to spend more than a hundy.