I thought I’d take a second to answer some questions that I get pretty consistently in my inbox about the PTO Inside Track.
What is it?
The Inside Track is a weekly newsletter, with a roundup of sales and eBay items that we recommend. It costs $5 a month, or even less if you subscribe for a year. Sign up, and you get access here at PutThisOn.com every week.
What do I get?
Have you seen our eBay Roundups? How about our sales posts? More of that. This week’s Inside Track, for example, includes 80 eBay items we love (I just counted), plus nine great sales worth checking out. And it’s not even sale season.
Why’s this better for me than your eBay roundups?
Well, you’ll get sales alerts that you won’t get on the web, for one thing. Even exclusive deals sometimes. Most importantly, though, the Inside Track is exclusive. For every person who sees one of our Inside Track auction links, there are FIFTY who see one on the regular blog. You can imagine what that means for your chances of winning!
Will it save me money?
The Inside Track costs about fifty bucks a year. Buy one sport coat or pair of shoes in the course of an entire year from our link, and it’ll save you that much. Buy two or three shirts and you’ve saved that much. If you buy clothes on the internet, it’s totally worth it.
Will I find my size?
We don’t generally use size as a criterion when we’re choosing items. That means the size distribution roughly matches that of clothes in the real world. But the good news is that if you have an unusual size, there will be much less competition for that item… so you’re more likely to get a great deal. And of course unusual sizes are most often the last thing to go in sales, so you’ve got an advantage there, too.
Where does the money go?
The money we make from this allows us to give you the rest of the blog for free! We’re supported by you, you save money. Win-win.
You can sign up for the Inside Track right here, right now.