Will Joan Rivers Support Her Writers?

July 9, 2013

Here’s something menswear-adjacent:

My friend Eliza Skinner is a writer on one of E! Television’s biggest hits, Fashion Police with Joan Rivers. She and her fellow writers want to be compensated reasonably for their work, so with the support of the Writer’s Guild, they’re on strike. Ms. Rivers is a member of the Writer’s Guild, but she hasn’t supported them in their efforts to get decent pay, health insurance and access to pension benefits.

The truth is that writers are at the core of every television production, and they’re really getting squeezed. Sincerely: Eliza was getting paid less to write on this hit show than I got paid when I worked at Macy’s in college, and with no benefits. More and more of my friends are getting asked to join productions either on a non-union basis or as “consulting producers” or some other technically-non-writer capacity so they can be underpaid.

Above is the staff’s message to their boss, Joan Rivers. She’s a hero to every one of them. Hopefully she and E! will do the right thing.