Love menswear and looking for a part-time job in Los Angeles? We’re hiring.
We need someone awesome to help with our blog and online shop. If you’re focused, smart and nice, drop us a line. Our shop assistant’s responsibilities will include:
* Fulfillment & shipping for our online store
* Product photography & listing
* Editorial assistance
* Some contributions to the blog
Again: helping with the blog will be part of your role, but this is first and foremost a shop assistant’s job.
We’re looking to start someone at 10-20 hours a week, during regular business hours. Pay will be hourly, and better than McDonald’s, but not that much better than McDonald’s. You absolutely have to live in Los Angeles, and be able to commute to our office on MacArthur Park, just west of downtown. It’s a nice office, and everyone who works there is super pleasant. Sometimes there are cute dogs.
If you’re interested, email a few paragraphs about why, your resume, two references and a link to something you’ve written for public consumption with a tone that is similar to Put This On. Our email address is jobs@putthison.com
We are, of course, equal opportunity employers, and love to hire folks from diverse and distinctive backgrounds.