“iGent’ (short for Internet Gentleman) is a derogatory term for a certain kind of poster on men’s clothing forums (mainly StyleForum, but much talked about elsewhere too). Although the character type is very specific, the general personality is not. Our friend Réginald-Jérôme de Mans recently wrote a funny piece at A Suitable Wardrobe about how you can tell if you’re an iGent. A sampling:
- If your new Alan Flusser book is sitting on top of your old Alan Flusser book;
- If you get all dressed up with nowhere to go but online;
- If you look for jobs that are business formal;
- If you have to decide between your Brigg or your Smith when it rains… and you post your dramatic decision online;
- If you pay $10 an issue for a magazine without people committing lewd acts inside it;
- If you buy magazines about shoes and clothing in languages you can’t read;
- If your suit would have cost more than your car if you hadn’t bought it on 95% clearance;
- If you ask strangers to look at clothed pictures of you on the Internet;
- If you ask other men to post selfies from the men’s room and are not a conservative politician;
- If you know where the outlet centers are in countries you have never visited;
- If you have ever used the words “suitings” or “shirtings,” (even correctly);
- And if you laughed at these… you just might be an iGent.
Read the full post here.