All Articles
November 13, 2014
Wow. Grow Up, Man. Be A Human Being.
themarysue: “Now, I could point out that one might be able to use this shirt as an example of how…
November 13, 2014
The Great PTO Briefcase Roundup
Whether because you need something to go with a suit and tie, or perhaps just want to look a little…
November 13, 2014
We Raised $4800 For Vets Together!
We sold out of our full run of Put This On escape map pocket squares in about a day and…
November 12, 2014
Goodbye, Vente-Privee
Vente-Privee, the flash sale site operated by American Express, is shutting its doors “by the end of this year.” If…
November 12, 2014
How I Learned To Stop Worrying About My Shoes
I remember my first pair of good shoes. They were Ralph Lauren penny loafers, which I bought as an undergrad…
November 11, 2014
Sample Sale At CEGO Shirts
Our pal Carl Goldberg emailed to let us know that he’s holding a sample sale at his shop, CEGO Custom…
November 11, 2014
EBay Roundup
So I spent part of my weekend looking up vintage clothes on eBay. Found a Lee denim jacket, Buco double rider,…
November 11, 2014
Escape Map Silk Squares To Benefit Veterans
In the early days of military aviation, fliers often kept silk maps on their person. The maps were sometimes compressed…
November 10, 2014
A Review Of An $800 Iron
An $800 iron sounds like a joke. Like John Edwards’ $1,250 haircut, you can imagine a politician getting caught spending money on one and…
November 8, 2014
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of November 9th – November 15th
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week, plus heads-up on recommended sales. If you’re a member of…
November 7, 2014
EBay Round Up
Tons of great finds in our outerwear and footwear sections today (including the handsome shell cordovan shoes you see above). Jesse…
November 7, 2014
Comfortable Shoes And The Freedom To Leave
“Comfortable shoes and the freedom to leave are the two most important things in life.” –Shel Silverstein, making the case…
November 7, 2014
1960s, Watts, Los Angeles
In July of 1966 – almost a year after the Watts Riots – LIFE Magazine did a cover story about rising…
November 6, 2014
Items From Our Catalog
In the 1980s, at the height of the American catalog business, Alfred Gingold wrote two parody catalogs that looked much…
November 5, 2014
It’s On Sale: Alden, Loake, And Quoddy Shoes
Looks like today is a great day for shoe sales. Alden, Loake, and Quoddy shoes are on sale right now…