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December 30, 2013
Shopping For Sweaters At Thrift Stores. It’s “Sweater Bender.”
A one-minute short film about a man traveling the length and breadth of Wisconsin, shopping for sweaters at thrift stores….
December 30, 2013
Dress Up Tomorrow
Being New Year’s Eve, tomorrow is a great opportunity to put on a tuxedo if you’ve ever wanted an excuse…
December 29, 2013
Leonard Logsdail, On His Experience Fitting Wall Street Guys In The 1980s
Keith and I would sell and fit all at the same time. We had an ashtray into which we would…
December 28, 2013
It’s On Sale: Shoes At Pediwear
One of the most affordable places to buy shoes just got a little more affordable. Pediwear is a UK-based retailer,…
December 28, 2013
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of December 29th – January 4th
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week, plus heads-up on recommended sales. If you’re a member of…
December 27, 2013
EBay Roundup
Any time we have some exceptional items in our roundup, it’s usually thanks to our friend the RJ cat (who…
December 27, 2013
Through New Year’s Day: 40% Off Everything
Our stock closet is getting full, so here’s a very special, never-to-be-repeated, holey moley, what-the-heck sale for you: 40% off…
December 27, 2013
The New Yorker: Why Mark Zuckerburg Gets Away With Hoodies
While people generally adhere to group norms for fear of disapproval or reprimand, anecdotal evidence and the occasional study suggest…
December 26, 2013
After Christmas Sale Roundup
Today begins all the after Christmas and Boxing Day sales (Boxing Day being the Black Friday of holidays in Canada)….
December 26, 2013
Germany Army Trainers
If you’ve ever wanted German Army Trainers, now might be one of the better times to get a pair. Readers…
December 25, 2013
Mr. T Shows You How To Wear Over-the-calf Socks, But Will You Listen?
Merry Christmas, everyone.
December 24, 2013
Who Got This Perfect Christmas Gift From His Girlfriend?
As long as we’re posting dumb pictures, how about Max, who got this perfect Christmas gift from his girlfriend? He…
December 24, 2013
The New Yorker’s Photo Booth Blog
From The New Yorker’s Photo Booth blog: March 16, 1960. This suit built by the Republic Aviation Corporation solved the…
December 24, 2013
EBay Roundup
Tons of great outerwear finds today. Although on the pricey side, this Nanamica Cruiser, Barbour horse riding jacket, and painted Levis leather jacket are particular…
December 23, 2013
My House Shoes
Of all the shoes I own, none get more wear than these simple leather moccasins, which I use as a…