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November 27, 2013
Put This On’s Inside Track Sale Roundup
This week’s Inside Track will be published Friday, along with our roundup of (online) Black Friday sales, but since so…
November 27, 2013
“Does It Fit?” Checklist
A friend of mine recently had to get a new suit for a wedding (not his), and asked for my…
November 27, 2013
It’s On Sale: Men’s Accessories At Linkson Jack
Linkson Jack is holding a sale on select men’s accessories. Bespoke grenadine, linen, and repp ties have been discounted to…
November 26, 2013
EBay Roundup
Jesse and I found some great stuff over the weekend, including some Loden Barbour coats (sizes 38 and 40), Quoddy mocs, and a striped raw silk tie that…
November 26, 2013
Simon Doonan On Dressing Tastefully And Aging Appropriately
I know I look like a wanker. I enjoy looking like a wanker. Looking like a wanker is a basic…
November 25, 2013
It’s On Sale: Ralph Lauren Anorak
Ralph Lauren’s anorak this season is on sale for $118 at Lord & Taylor with the discount code BIG. If sizes…
November 25, 2013
Colin Marshall On Men’s Style Books: Kevin Burrows And Lawrence Schlossman, Fuck Yeah Menswear
Whether published this century or the last, most men’s style books I pick up don’t present themselves as products of…
November 24, 2013
PTO Ballcap Breaking In
Drew Henson sent this in via Twitter – he’s breaking in his PTO ballcap. Love it. More info and order…
November 23, 2013
It’s On Sale: Shoes At LeatherSoul
LeatherSoul is having a pretty nice sale right now on some final pairs of shoes they have left in select…
November 23, 2013
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of November 24th – November 30th
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week, plus heads-up on recommended sales. If you’re a member of…
November 22, 2013
Is That A Unicorn In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Poorly Translating The Bible?
Unicorn-print accessories, like Lisa Frank stickers but for men, have enjoyed a good couple of years. Pictured above are Drake’s…
November 22, 2013
Here’s Our First Put This On Ballcap Spotted In The Wild
Here’s our first Put This On ballcap spotted in the wild. As you can see, this model has a shallower,…
November 22, 2013
EBay Roundup
Lots of great items today, including a green APC jacket that I almost wanted to bid on for myself. To find more great…
November 22, 2013
It’s On Sale: Everything At Gentry
Gentry is having a pre-holiday sale, with 20% taken off all orders once you apply the checkout code FLASH20. The…