All Articles
January 27, 2013
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of January 27th – February 2nd
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week, plus heads-up on recommended sales. If you’re a member of…
January 25, 2013
Real People: The Three-Piece Suit
It seems a bit rare to find three-piece suits. For one, not many retailers even carry them and the few…
January 25, 2013
EBay Roundup
There are a number of items today I would have loved to bid on for myself if they were in…
January 25, 2013
A Tiny Recommendation: Cute, Cheap Baby Shoes
For the last 18 months, my son’s had his feet covered much of the time by the sweet, soft shoes…
January 24, 2013
The Latest Pocket Square For The Put This On Gentlemen’s Association
Here’s the latest pocket square for the Put This On Gentlemen’s Association. Italian silk with a vivid blue paisley. Perfect…
January 24, 2013
It’s On Sale: Alfred Sargent Shoes
Every once in a while I come across a sale that’s frustrating because none of my size is available. Count…
January 24, 2013
Yellow Hook Necktie Co.: Now Available
Some of you may remember Rob from Brooklyn, who has been featured previously in our “real people” series. Previously, we mentioned his…
January 24, 2013
Getting A Good Mac
It rained all day in the Bay Area yesterday, which reminded me that spring showers are just around the corner….
January 24, 2013
On The Media’s Blog
I was looking at On the Media’s blog, and OTM producer Doug Anderson recommended Leonard Bernstein’s Young People’s Concerts. I’m…
January 23, 2013
Shetland Ponies In The Shetlands Wearing Shetland Knits.
A++. Would view again. (Thanks, Max!)
January 23, 2013
An Affordable Wardrobe Is Having A 20% Off Sale
Friend of the blog Giuseppe of An Affordable Wardrobe is having a 20% off sale at his online shop, where…
January 23, 2013
How Jacquard Looms Changed Weaving
How Jacquard Looms Changed Weaving (Hint: it’s punchcards.)
January 23, 2013
Not Just Pedantry
The world of classic men’s clothing often feels like it’s filled with a dizzying number of arcane and archaic rules…
January 23, 2013
The Elevation Of A Craft Into An Art
This Oxxford Clothes pamphlet is probably from the late 70s, but it still functions as a list of features of…
January 22, 2013
Just Added Five Beautiful New Squares
Just added five beautiful new squares to the Put This On shop. I’ve found that listing short-run pocket squares is…