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August 8, 2011
Sandwich Video
Put This On’s director and co-creator Adam Lisagor has launched the website for his production company, Sandwich Video. You can…
August 8, 2011
Dopp Kits: A Nice Accessory For The Traveling Man
Dopp kits are designed for men who need something to hold their toiletries while they travel. They were invented by Charles…
August 8, 2011
Today, Our Final First-round Matchup
When I went off and had my first child, the voting was hot and heavy in our #PTOCities bracket. We’re…
August 8, 2011
“Look At This Face. What Do You See?”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVT9LvgjFAo “Look at this face. What do you see?” (Source: http://www.youtube.com/)
August 8, 2011
Drake’s Of London, Is featured In The Wall Street Journal
Michael Drake, one of the cofounders of Drake’s of London, is featured in the Wall Street Journal. The surprising bit is…
August 7, 2011
Please Welcome Simon Thorn
Please welcome Simon Thorn, born August 5th, 2011 at 1:14 AM. Everyone is happy and healthy. (You may now resume…
August 7, 2011
Improv Everywhere
For those of you who are disappointed you don’t get enough chances to wear evening clothes, I’ve got great news….
August 5, 2011
EBay Round Up
These Gaziano & Girling Woburns are so killer. So are a bunch of things in this week’s round up, actually. All the…
August 4, 2011
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr.
Former San Francisco Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr. in his early days in the California State Legislature.
August 4, 2011
Q And Answer: How To Get The Stink Out Of A Barbour Jacket
Warren asks: I bought a Barbour jacket on ebay a while back, and unfortunately it’s got a musty smell. I’ve…
August 4, 2011
Jesse Masterfully Handled This Interview Over At The Inside Source
So while I just awkwardly stumbled my way through a CBC interview right now for Put This On, Jesse masterfully…
August 4, 2011
Men Of The Cloth
The above is a trailer to Men of the Cloth, a video documentary about three world-class tailors with an Italian…
August 4, 2011
A Little Break.
I’m going to take a little break, if you don’t mind. I’m headed to the hospital. My wife, you see,…