May 18, 2011
I Need Some Help Finding A Durable, Comfortable Pair Of Summer Shoes
I need some help finding a durable, comfortable pair of summer shoes. As to whether they should be fashionable: I…
May 17, 2011
EBay Round Up
Jesse and I are thinking about doing these eBay Round Ups twice a week now, once on Tuesday and another…
May 17, 2011
daveshumka: I’d like to offer my congratulations to my friend and colleague Dave Shumka’s friend and colleague Grampa on seven/forty-nine…
May 16, 2011
No Socks Make Sense Here Rather Than The Sockless Double Monk Calf Shoe
No socks make sense here rather than the sockless double monk calf shoe which screams, ‘Hipsters with blisters.’ Not that…
May 16, 2011
Vox’s Incredible Necktie And Sport Coat Collection
So yesterday, I featured StyleForum member Vox’s incredible necktie and sport coat collection at my other blog, and today, he…
May 15, 2011
Maximinimus Longs For The Return Of The Old Banana Republic
Maximinimus longs for the return of the old Banana Republic. Perhaps he might enjoy the book published by the company’s…
May 15, 2011
Everybody Wanna Know How I Became Famous, How I’m A Celebrity
Everybody wanna know how I became famous, how I’m a celebrity / I did it independently / didn’t nobody sign…
May 13, 2011
Ebay Roundup
Pretty long list, given that we did a round up on Tuesday! Special thanks to RJ Cat for helping with…
May 12, 2011
Paul Feig
When we interviewed Paul Feig about dressing for work a few months ago, he was on set. He took time…
May 12, 2011
What Is Traditional American Style?
Our most recent video, Tradition, features a conversation with Jay Walter, a true-blue American style traditionalist. The American aesthetic is…
May 12, 2011
A StyleForum User Has Posted The Transformation Of His Wardrobe Over The Course Of A Year
A StyleForum user has posted the transformation of his wardrobe over the course of a year, pictorially. I generally can’t…
May 11, 2011
Some Great Tropical Looks
Some great tropical looks from our man Adabraka Sartorialist. After all, you’ve gotta dress right if you’re gonna go to…
May 11, 2011
Now *that* Is A Thrift Store Find.
Found at a thrift store (one of three) by StyleForum member cpmac7. Now *that* is a thrift store find.
May 11, 2011
Q And Answer: Should I Wear Non-Iron Shirts?
Shai writes to ask about non-iron shirts: I love the convenience but am not 100% sure what I’m giving up…
May 10, 2011
What Is The Meaning Of A Hole In A Shoe?
If you ever needed proof that dressing is social and cultural, not absolute, or that you dress for those around…