February 15, 2011
Secret Forts Is Lugging Around One Of Our Pal Merlin’s Hipster PDA
It looks like Secret Forts is lugging around one of our pal Merlin’s Hipster PDAs. But where’s the Space Pen?
February 15, 2011
Ten Essentials On Style Hunting
C. Benjamin, who makes an appearance in our latest video, offers his Ten Essentials on Style Hunting.
February 14, 2011
Using Oxiclean For Stain Removal
In Episode 4 of Put This On, I address using Oxiclean to remove stains – particularly underarm stains. You can…
February 14, 2011
Put This On Episode 4: Grooming
Jesse visits the barber, a how-to for the classic wet shave and some guidance on avoiding and removing underarm yellowing…
February 12, 2011
Put This On Episode 4: Clothing Credits
At Larchmont Barbershop Jacket – A. Di Nella & Son of Philadelphia (Vintage) Shirt – Luciano Barbera Tie – Courtesy…
February 12, 2011
Thanks To Our Pals In ITunes
Thanks to our pals in iTunes for including Put This On in their special roundup of Valentine’s Day themed podcasts!…
February 12, 2011
It’s On EBay: Gieves & Hawkes Greatcoat
Speaking of RJMan, here’s a Gieves & Hawkes coat he found on the Bay, dated 1953. The seller only ships…
February 12, 2011
Here’s A Beautiful Briefcase
I’ve been trying to talk StyleForum’s RJMan into starting a Tumblr so he can share with the world his amazing…
February 12, 2011
Lovely Lapel Flowers
A StyleForum member named Mr. K is making and selling these lovely lapel flowers. They’re composed of a felted craft…
February 11, 2011
Perfect Brand By Schott NYC S/S 2011
howtotalktogirlsatparties: Perfect Brand by Schott NYC S/S 2011. How rarely do I reblog product shots? This jacket is awesome, though….
February 11, 2011
Joel McHale
The kind folks at IFC asked me to host the Spirit Awards Nomination Special. So I did! Not only did…
February 11, 2011
Who’s That Handsome Bastard Sneaking A Peak Into My Closet?
Who’s that handsome bastard sneaking a peak into my closet?
February 11, 2011
It’s On EBay: Edward Green “Galway” Boots
Anybody got a thousand bucks they wanna give me? Also, some sort of foot shortener? Start at $1,026, end Sunday