June 3, 2013
Christian At Ivy Style
Christian at Ivy Style has a fascinating retrospective on a formative but largely forgotten American clothier: Rogers Peet.
June 3, 2013
New York: American Sember Closing Sale
A tip from our friend Carl Goldberg at CEGO Custom Shirtmaker in New York: the New York shirting wholesaler American…
June 3, 2013
It’s On Sale: Mr. Porter
Mr. Porter is one of the best collections of menswear available online, but the full retail prices for designer clothes…
June 3, 2013
Artist/Rebel/Dandy Exhibit At The RISD Museum
Our friend and sometime colleague Andrew Yamato covered the Artist/Rebel/Dandy exhibit at the RISD museum for A Suitable Wardrobe. Interesting…
May 28, 2013
Need Jewelry Storage? Try A Tackle Box.
Once you accept the possibility you might wear cuff links, a tie clip, a stickpin, a silk flower in your…
May 24, 2013
Memorial Day Weekend Sale In The PTO Shop
Why not take a moment’s break from your non-stop barbequing this weekend and buy yourself a nice pocket square? Use…
May 22, 2013
Any Man May Be In Good Spirits And Good Temper When He’s Well-dressed
Any man may be in good spirits and good temper when he’s well-dressed. Charles Dickens
May 22, 2013
White Denim Season
I have one pair of white blue jeans – some 501s not unlike the ones above – and this is…
May 22, 2013
Floppy Shoes
I love floppy shoes, particularly for wearing on warm weather days. By floppy, I mean what’s usually referred to as…
May 18, 2013
The Man Who Thrifted A Ferrari
Who’d have thought you could thrift a Ferrari? Matthew R. is an inveterate thrifter. He says he works seventy hours…
May 18, 2013
“Frank Sinatra Has A Cold,”
theparisreview: Gay Talese’s outline for “Frank Sinatra Has a Cold,” 1966, written on a shirt board. If you haven’t seen…
May 16, 2013
Kiss Me, I’m Drunk
Our Rudiments host Dave Hill has a new single with his band Valley Lodge. It’s called Kiss Me, I’m Drunk.
May 14, 2013
I Got To Talk To One Of My All-time Heroes: Mel Brooks
As some Put This On readers may know, I’m a public radio host by trade. This week, on my show…