Bass’ Summer Footwear For $60

April 25, 2012

Bass’ Summer Footwear for $60

Following on Jesse’s post about how to save with suede (a point I fully agree with), I thought I’d direct readers to these two Amazon deals for Bass’ bucks and chukkas. Both are on sale right now for about $60. 

Note that I have absolutely no experience with Bass, and have never handled them in person. From checking with friends and Twitter followers who’ve owned Bass’ suede shoes, however, most seem to be fairly happy with their performance. They’re not the most high quality shoes, but everyone seems to say they’re great for their price. Only one friend had a bad experience, but that was with a pair of leather loafers with a leather sole (the sole cracked and split early). Those problems might be less relevant for suede models with rubber bottoms. 

You can judge the quality for yourself when you buy them. For $60, the styling looks quite good, and they could be a great option for folks who need some stylish summer footwear, but are on a budget. 

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