October 7, 2017
Inside Track: October 8th – October 14th Edition
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week, plus heads-up on recommended sales. If you’re a member of…
October 6, 2017
EBay Roundup
There’s a lot of great menswear on eBay, but to find the good stuff, you have to search for hours….
October 6, 2017
#PTOman Highlights
Our Instagram followers are some stylish people, so once a week, we like to bring you some highlights from our…
October 5, 2017
John Hodgman On Why He Grew A Beard
“Many people have asked why I grew this beard, and most of those people are my wife. And my answer…
October 4, 2017
How To Wear A Boutonniere Properly
Despite its associations, the buttonhole in your lapel was never meant for flowers. The original design comes from the military…
October 4, 2017
What You Can Really Afford: Actual Workwear, Part II
What You Can Really Afford: Actual Workwear, Part II True workwear–as in clothes designed and worn to perform labor, from…
October 4, 2017
Excuse Our Appearance!
Some readers have noticed that our site has been down at night. We’re actually working on something big here at…
October 3, 2017
EBay Roundup
eBay Roundup Twice a week, we round up the best of menswear on eBay so that our readers don’t have…
October 3, 2017
My Favorite Shirts Are Vintage Brooks Brothers’ Oxford Dress Shirts
“My favorite shirts are vintage Brooks Brothers’ oxford dress shirts. I like seeing the old tags and knowing it’s from…
October 2, 2017
Stan Ray: The Heritage Brand Americana Missed
It’s been almost fifteen years since menswear became obsessed with all things Americana. And since then, it feels like no…
October 1, 2017
The Difference Between A $400 And $8,000 Suit
Buzzfeed is known for their formulaic, clickbait content, but this video comparing $400 suits to $8,000 suits is ……
September 30, 2017
Inside Track: October 1st – October 7th Edition
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week, plus heads-up on recommended sales. If you’re a member of…
September 29, 2017
EBay Roundup
Twice a week, we round up the best of menswear on eBay so that our readers don’t have to. For…
September 29, 2017
Our Beloved Sponsors
Like with almost any industry nowadays, menswear is dominated by big corporations. So we feel fortunate as an independent menswear…