November 14, 2011
The Most Forceful Statement Is Understatement
The most forceful statement is understatement Luciano Barbera
November 14, 2011
Q And Answer: How Should You Protect Your Suede Shoes?
Brett writes to ask: I have a pair of suede plain-toe bluchers coming from Alden. What do you do, if…
November 13, 2011
I Ended Up With A Suit Length And Two Jacket Lengths
By the way, when I visited Molloy & Sons, I intended to buy a jacket length of fabric – they…
November 13, 2011
This Is Sean And Kieran Molloy
This is Sean and Kieran Molloy, two generations of a Donegal tweed weaving tradition that goes back many more. Kieran’s…
November 12, 2011
Come On. That’s A Scarf
Come on. That’s a scarf. If I were a man who bought $265 scarves, or even a man who lived…
November 12, 2011
Hey That Logo Looks Kind Of Familiar
Thanks a million, Korean website we have nothing to do with. (That’s a sarcastic thank you.)
November 11, 2011
Today is 11/11/11, the Day Which Most Resembles Corduroy (of ALL TIME). Join me and my fellow Corduroy Appreciation Club…
November 11, 2011
EBay Round Up
I’m starting to list multiple versions of the same item according to their size or color, which should help make…
November 11, 2011
It’s On Sale
From 12-4pm Eastern Time today, Levi’s will take 40% off your entire order (excluding collaboration products). There’s also free shipping…
November 11, 2011
An Interview With Yours Truly In Reply Magazine
An interview with yours truly in Reply Magazine. (photo by Noe Montes)
November 10, 2011
Sales Round Up
A quick sales round up: Shipton & Heneage will take $30 off any order of $160 or more (use checkout…
November 10, 2011
Suede Shoes
I’m a huge fan of suede shoes and wear them more or less year-round. The word “suede” comes from the…
November 9, 2011
It’s On Sale
Lands End and Lands End Canvas are having a sale right now. Take 25% off and get free shipping on…
November 9, 2011
Keep Good Ratios
Beware of getting side tracked by too many small purchases. They can be like Sirens. Ties are perhaps the best…
November 9, 2011
Heterosexual Male Identity
Heterosexual male identity… I don’t want to get too pointy-headed about it, but it’s really this package of negatives. You…