
Gamefly parody commercial

September 25, 2011

Gamefly Parody Commercial

jordanmorris: Gamefly parody commercial My buddy Mike and I made this video with a bunch of really hilarious comedy folks…

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If you’re not reading these badass man-mags, you’re probably a total puss

September 25, 2011

If You’re Not Reading These Badass Man-mags, You’re Probably A Total Puss

alexblagg: If you’re not reading these badass man-mags, you’re probably a total puss. (Taken with instagram)

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Interested in working on Put This On S2?

September 25, 2011

Interested In Working On Put This On S2?

Interested in working on Put This On S2?

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eBay Round Up

September 23, 2011

EBay Round Up

We normally only have one or two people select auctions for any given round up, but today, we had picks…

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Brooks Brothers Sale

September 22, 2011

Brooks Brothers Sale

Apparently Brooks Brothers’ sale doesn’t appear on their front page. To get the 25% discount that I wrote about, use…

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The Color Purple

September 22, 2011

The Color Purple

Most men rely on standard colors for their wardrobe – blues, greys, and browns, in various shades and textures. These…

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Duties of a Valet

September 22, 2011

Duties Of A Valet

On the duties of a valet, according to An Encyclopædia of Domestic Economy As his master goes out, the valet hands…

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Shop Uniqlo Online (kind of)

September 21, 2011

Shop Uniqlo Online (kind Of)

A new website called Suddenlee just debuted. The service sells itself as a way to order from multiple stores online…

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Autumn has caught us in our summer wear

September 21, 2011

Autumn Has Caught Us In Our Summer Wear

Autumn has caught us in our summer wear. – Philip Larkin, British poet Fall officially begins on Friday. Before you…

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This is amazing

September 21, 2011

This Is Amazing

This is amazing. This Instructable is all about how to “resole” generic Crocs using floor mats, an electric turkey knife,…

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For $50 You Can Buy…

September 20, 2011

For $50 You Can Buy…

This handmade hoof pick belt by Narragansett Leathers. When I say “handmade,” I mean it. Handmade by the owners in…

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eBay Round Up

September 20, 2011

EBay Round Up

Don’t forget that in addition to these round ups, Jesse and I are starting a special email newsletter through,…

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Another great street style video from Toronto

September 20, 2011

Another Great Street Style Video From Toronto

Daniel Goodbaum sends in another great street style video from Toronto. (Source:

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A Quick Word About Our eBay Picks

September 19, 2011

A Quick Word About Our EBay Picks

I go through literally thousands of auctions every week to find the best stuff for our eBay roundups. We pick…

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Fashion is the armour to survive the reality of everyday life

September 19, 2011

Fashion Is The Armour To Survive The Reality Of Everyday Life

Fashion is the armour to survive the reality of everyday life. I don’t think you could do away with it….

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