August 1, 2011
Brooks Brothers Clearance Sales
Brooks Brothers has some nice things on clearance right now. There are two items in the inventory that I own and…
August 1, 2011
“Real Men Don’t Shop.”
The new issue of The New Yorker has an article titled “Real Men Don’t Shop.” It’s not terribly interesting, to…
August 1, 2011
Unreal Vintage Edward Green Collection
The Uptown Dandy’s unreal vintage Edward Green collection. In honor of my own first pair, recently eBayed.
July 31, 2011
If You Don’t Have One, GET ONE! * One Of The Easiest Steps To GMS
mostexerent: PG speaks nothing but the truth. Few ties are as versatile & elegant as the simple navy knit with…
July 30, 2011
#PTOCities Continues
We’re on a quest to find the world’s top three men’s style cities. Above is Stockholm, nominated by David Y….
July 30, 2011
Buying Bespoke On A Teacher’s Salary
Buying Bespoke on a Teacher’s Salary Rob, who’s appeared a few times (to much lady-acclaim, I should add) in our…
July 29, 2011
A Letter From A Reader.
This showed up this afternoon from a reader named Krsna. Let me thank you for the recent post about prioritizing…
July 29, 2011
A Point Of Clarification
Jesse just wrote a great response to some of the negative replies Put This On has been receiving over that…
July 29, 2011
What Are The Greatest Men’s Style Cities In The World?
As part of our preparations for season two of Put This On, we’re looking for the three greatest men’s style…
July 29, 2011
On Gay Talese & Limited Budgets
When we visited Gay Talese, Adam, Ben and I admired his home. It’s a beautiful multi-story townhouse in Manhattan. Mr….
July 29, 2011
EBay Round Up
The RJ cat and Jesse have been finding some good items lately. Take a look to see if there’s anything…
July 29, 2011
You Can Dress Well On A Limited Budget. It Is A Matter Of How You Appropriate Your Money
You can dress well on a limited budget. It is a matter of how you appropriate your money. I don’t…