February 17, 2011
The Merkur HD
Since we published our episode on grooming earlier this week, a lot of folks have been emailing asking about equipment…
February 17, 2011
Home Comforts
I got so pumped up when I recommended Home Comforts on the blog the other day that I recommended it…
February 16, 2011
Christine Cariati
Christine Cariati has been close friends with my mother my entire life. When they first met, Christine taught my mother…
February 16, 2011
How To Tailor A Button-down Shirt For A Perfect Fit
How to tailor a button-down shirt for a perfect fit.
February 15, 2011
These Are The Summer Shoes You Need
dieworkwear: cbenjamin: I feel like this sneaker has been under the blog radar for a minute and is a total…
February 15, 2011
Clifford & Kidd – “Models”
tsoya070122_models This piece that we made for The Sound a couple years ago is what I think of when the…
February 15, 2011
Secret Forts Is Lugging Around One Of Our Pal Merlin’s Hipster PDA
It looks like Secret Forts is lugging around one of our pal Merlin’s Hipster PDAs. But where’s the Space Pen?
February 15, 2011
Ten Essentials On Style Hunting
C. Benjamin, who makes an appearance in our latest video, offers his Ten Essentials on Style Hunting.
February 14, 2011
Using Oxiclean For Stain Removal
In Episode 4 of Put This On, I address using Oxiclean to remove stains – particularly underarm stains. You can…
February 14, 2011
Put This On Episode 4: Grooming
Jesse visits the barber, a how-to for the classic wet shave and some guidance on avoiding and removing underarm yellowing…
February 12, 2011
Put This On Episode 4: Clothing Credits
At Larchmont Barbershop Jacket – A. Di Nella & Son of Philadelphia (Vintage) Shirt – Luciano Barbera Tie – Courtesy…
February 12, 2011
Thanks To Our Pals In ITunes
Thanks to our pals in iTunes for including Put This On in their special roundup of Valentine’s Day themed podcasts!…