Mr. Porter’s sale is always a highlight of the sales season, with prices starting at 30-50% off and going down from there over the course of a few weeks. Here’s the current sale homepage, which launched early this morning.
As ThisFits.me points out, one of the more interesting aspects of the sale is the J. Crew section, of all places. If you’re looking for a very basic suit, some styles that J. Crew is careful not to discount are currently half-off. This Ludlow suit in charcoal is $325, for example (coat, pants). Cotton is even less.
Of course, many tonier designers are on sale, as well. I always love to look at the selection of accessories from Drake’s and Turnbull & Asser. Emma Willis has some extraordinarily expensive linen dressing gowns for which I’d kill. And that’s among many other choices.