We like to give quick thanks to our sponsors twice a month for the support they give our site. This month, our sponsors are The Hanger Project and Compass Rose Design.
As their name suggests, The Hanger Project specializes in high-end wooden hangers. This includes hangers for suits and sport coats, and the thing about these kinds of garments is: there’s a lot of complex construction that goes into making up the chest and shoulders. There’s wadding, shoulder padding, canvassing, a chest piece, shell fabric, and a lot of intricate stitching that holds everything together. As a Savile Row tailor once explained to me, if you hang a tailored jacket on a thin, wiry hanger for an extended period of time, you can distort the shape of the shoulder line and even shift some of the material inside (thus permanently damaging your garment). Hangers from The Hanger Project prevent this by having wide, flared out shoulders that mimic the natural shape and curvature of a person’s body, thus helping retain garment’s shape from the shoulders down. These come in four sizes for men and two for women, so you can get the best fit for your jackets.
Our second sponsor is Compass Rose Design, a company that makes men and women’s accessories out of genuine vintage and antique items. That means creating things such as tie bars out of antique trolley tokens and cufflinks out of old railroad date nails. For women, they have things such as bracelets and hairpins, as well as jewelry made out of Victorian buttons. Everything is handmade by the company’s owners out of their studio in San Francisco, and at the moment, they’re offering our readers a 20% discount with the checkout code PTO20.
If you want to advertise on Put This On, just email us at contact@putthison.com.