We’d like to give a quick thanks to our two sponsors this month – The Hanger Project and Compass Rose Design – for giving us their support this month.
The Hanger Project specializes in high-end wooden hangers that are designed to best support the garments they’re intended for. Suit and sport coat hangers have wide, flared out shoulders that help maintain each jacket’s shape, and trouser hangers are flocked, so your pants can stay on without the need for a “lock bar” (which otherwise can put an unnatural crease in your pants). In addition to hangers, the company also sells a range of clothing care products and men’s accessories. For example, you can add color to your summer wardrobe with their super-thin cotton socks, available in sizes 7 to 14, and in mid- to over-the-calf lengths. They also have colored shoelaces, which you can use to give your shoes a bit more personality.
Our second sponsor is Compass Rose Design. They design and handcraft men’s (and women’s!) accessories out of genuine vintage and antique items. That means turning things such as vintage button uniforms, railroad date nails, and antique trolley tokens into tie clips and cufflinks. Everything is handmade by the company’s owners out of their studio in San Francisco. At the moment, they’re offering Put This On readers 20% off with the checkout code PTO20.
If you want to advertise on Put This On, just email us at contact@putthison.com.