- Cottonwork’s custom shirt web interface
- Some of Cottonwork’s fabrics
- Blue v-neck sweater at Ledbury
- Grey cable knit sweater at Ledbury
- Oxhorn coin tray at The Hanger Project
- Suede and nubuck waterproofing spray at The Hanger Project
We’d like to take a quick moment to thank our four sponsors for their support this month.
The first is Cottonwork, an online maker of made-to-measure shirts. You have two ways to get a custom shirt from them. The first is to submit measurements of your body; the second is to send them your best fitting shirt and a note about what you’d like changed (if anything). Once you do either of these things, you can use their online interface to build any kind of shirt you want – select the fabric, collar style, fit, pocket design, etc. As you select each option, you can see the shirt being visually built out on their website, thus removing any guesswork.
Our second sponsor is Ledbury, who also specializes in men’s shirts. They make much more than shirts though. In the last year, they’ve expanded into sport coats, ties, scarves, and other men’s accessories, and just this last week, they’ve introduced a new line of sweaters. There are three styles: the Barnes v-neck, which is designed so that the base of the “V” lays perfectly in line with the signature lowered second button on all their shirts; the Palmer crewneck, which is a cable knit made from a blend of merino wool and cashmere; and the Beck Henley, which is a buttoned mockneck that’s the most casual of all three styles.
Our next sponsor, The Hanger Project, got their start in making high-end clothing hangers, but they’ve since branched out to much more. To start, there are a ton of clothing care products, closet accessories, and organizational items. This small oxhorn bowl, for example, can be used to hold keys, coins, and miscellaneous things cluttering up a dresser or table. There’s also a range of high-end shoe care products, such as this waterproofing spray, which can protect your suede and nubuck shoes from rain, roadside splashes, or just errant food drippings.
Finally, we have Compass Rose Design to thank. They make a range of men’s and women’s accessories out of vintage items.
If you want to advertise on Put This On, just email us at contact@putthison.com.