- Ledbury
- Cottonwork
- Compass Rose Design
We’re quite fortunate to have three companies sponsor our blog this month. The first is Ledbury, who’s been supporting us for a while now. As many readers know, Ledbury specializes in making men’s button-up shirts, but recently made the foray into a fuller line of clothing. The latest addition to their “Tailored Collection” is the Sutton sport coat, which is a two-button, half-lined, soft-shouldered jacket made with two patch pockets and dual vents. These jackets were made in Italy, using Italian fabrics, and come in two colors – dark navy and mid-grey. Ledbury is also welcoming in the new year with an end-of-the season sale on some of their shirts.
Our second sponsor, Cottonwork, also sells shirts, but of the custom variety. They offer two ways you put in a custom order. The first is to request a free starter kit on their website, which includes a tape measurer, coupon for your first order, and some sample fabrics. You will then need to have a friend measure you before you submit your measurements online and select whatever fabrics and style details you want. Their web interface allows you to see what your shirt will look like as you “build” it in real-time. The other way is to send them your best fitting shirt and have them copy the fit for you. If needed, you can also ask for small adjustments, such as having the body of your shirt kept the same, but the sleeves lengthened half an inch.
Finally, our third sponsor is Compass Rose Design. They design and handcraft men’s (and women’s!) accessories out of genuine vintage and antique items. That means turning things such as vintage button uniforms, railroad date nails, and antique trolley tokens into tie clips and cufflinks. Everything is handmade by the company’s owners and operators out of their studio in San Francisco.
So, we’d like to take a moment to thank all three of our sponsors for supporting our blog this month. We genuinely appreciate it.
If you want to advertise on Put This On, just email us at contact@putthison.com.