It’s On Sale
January 15, 2013
Drake’s End-of-season Sale Has Started
Drake’s end-of-season sale has started. Note that VAT will be deducted at checkout for non-EU customers.
January 15, 2013
It’s On Sale: Cashmere-lined Leather Gloves
If you’re wearing an overcoat and dress shoes, then it makes sense to have a quality pair of leather gloves…
January 14, 2013
It’s On Sale: Unionmade Goods
The San Francisco-based store, Unionmade, started their semi-annual sale today and one of the most notable things are the wide…
January 14, 2013
Leather Soul Large Size Alden Sale Update
The kind folks at Leather Soul in Hawaii have updated me with a list of the stock on hand in…
January 11, 2013
It’s On Sale: Allen Edmonds Shoes
Right now you can find a wide range of Allen Edmonds shoes at around 33% off, many under $200, at…
January 10, 2013
It’s On Sale: Incotex Trousers
Mr Porter’s discount on sale items has gone up once again and Incotex trousers are now 70% off under the…
January 10, 2013
It’s On Sale: Large Sizes At Leather Soul
Leather Soul Hawaii is offering some great shoes at great prices at the moment, but only in large sizes. They’re…
January 9, 2013
It’s On Sale: Aspinal Of London
You’ve probably occasionally seen Aspinal’s name turn up in our eBay roundups for wallets and other leather goods, but their…
January 8, 2013
It’s On Sale: Gap Selvedge Denim
If you’ve been looking for affordable selvedge denim, then Gap would be worth a look right now. Use code 24HOURS…
January 7, 2013
It’s On Sale: Brooks Brothers Shoes
Even after their semi-annual sale has finished, there are a few worthwhile items sitting in the Brooks Brothers sale section,…
January 4, 2013
It’s On Sale: Men’s Accessories
Three online retailers are having end-of-the-season sales right now on every kind of men’s accessory you can think of. The…
December 31, 2012
It’s On Sale: Billy Reid
Sale items at Billy Reid are an additional 20% off with code NEWYEAR, now through January 2. Some of the…
December 27, 2012
It’s On Sale: Malford Of London
Among the other post-Christmas, end-of-season sales going on, Malford of London has a few specialty sales on select items –…
December 27, 2012
It’s On Sale: Striped Knit Tie
I was admiring this photo of our friend MistahWong, and it reminded me that A Suitable Wardrobe (one of my…
December 26, 2012
Boxing Day/ After Christmas Sales
It’s Boxing Day here in Canada, and I’m off to visit a few of the stores in the Gastown district of…