Lands’ End
July 10, 2014
Where To Buy Good Pants (Part Two)
The market for trousers is pretty wonky. There’s surprisingly not that many good options, and despite there being a new…
January 20, 2014
Touchscreen Gloves
In the age of iPads and smartphones, it’s surprising that there aren’t that many options for attractive, touchscreen-friendly gloves. Many…
October 31, 2013
The Soft Silk Knit
For as long as I’ve been buying silk knit ties, I’ve always preferred the crunchy variety – the kind where…
October 30, 2013
Getting A Good Grey Sweatshirt
Every fall season, I can’t seem to stop myself from buying more sweaters, but the one I keep coming back…
October 23, 2013
Where To Look First For A Suit (Part One)
Far and away, the most common question I get in my inbox is: “Where should I go to buy a…
October 11, 2013
It’s On Sale: Land’s End Raw Silk Ties
If you’ve ever liked raw silk ties but can’t get over the price (they’re ~$150 new, or ~$80 on sale),…
September 25, 2013
Barbour Alternatives
Although they’ve become a bit trendy in the last few years, I think there are few better coats for fall…
September 16, 2013
Hanes Crew Socks
As I’ve gotten older and my style has matured, I’ve found that my choices in socks have become really basic….
June 5, 2013
A Simple Summer Look
I love this Apparel Arts illustration. I found it last year on an online men’s clothing forum, and put it…
May 16, 2013
Four Socks For Summer
For much of the year, I rely on navy wool over-the-calf socks. As many readers will know, I favor over-the-calfs because…
April 24, 2013
The OCBD Shirt Series, Part VI: Our Recommendations
After reviewing so many companies, we thought it’d be useful to say which we recommend the most. Obviously much depends…
April 18, 2013
The OCBD Shirt Series, Part IV: The Reviews
We continue today with four more reviews of oxford cloth button downs. Again, basic features and measurements are given, so…
April 8, 2013
It’s On Sale: Lands’ End Dress Trousers
It’s still a chilly spring for many of us, but it’ll soon be sweltering summer and wearing wool trousers will…
February 21, 2013
Unsolicited Endorsement: Lands’ End Crew Socks
When I’m wearing sneakers, I prefer not to wear white socks. Sure, I’ll wear Costco Champion athletic socks for actual…
February 21, 2013
It’s On Sale: Lands’ End
If you’re looking for affordable basics, then it’s always best to wait until Lands’ End has their sales. Their current…