Real People
March 2, 2010
This Photo, In Our Series Of Pictures Of Real Men Who Dress Well, Is Of Rob, From Brooklyn (and His Adorable Daughter)
Rob’s dressed for the serious weather they’ve been having in New York lately. The coat is the boldest statement here…
March 1, 2010
Distinctive, Well-executed Style
All this week, I’ll be featuring photographs shared by men (not models, not industry pros) that illustrate distinctive, well-executed style….
November 13, 2009
Richard From Kent (UK) Handles The Mix Of Colors And Textures In This Fall Ensemble
Look at how well Richard from Kent (UK) handles the mix of colors and textures in this fall ensemble. You…
November 12, 2009
Some Astonishing Derring-do In This Combination Of Shirt, Tie, Coat And Pocket Square
Greg in Phoenix demonstrates some astonishing derring-do in this combination of shirt, tie, coat and pocket square. It’s busy, but…
November 6, 2009
Can You Tell I Like This Suit? BECAUSE I DO.
George from Beijing in a beautiful gray flannel double-breasted suit. Flannel has a wonderful combination of softness and weight that…