Sierra Trading Post
March 9, 2017
It’s On Sale: Red Wing Shoes
Nearly ten years after heritage Americana and workwear peaked on the menswear scene, certain things remain useful. Chambray shirts are…
March 24, 2016
It’s On Sale: Red Wing Workboots
Some good deals right now on Red Wing workboots. Both Country Outfitter and Sierra Trading Post have the company’s Beckman…
November 19, 2015
Johnston’s Of Elgin Scarves
If you’re looking for a good, affordable scarf this season, you could do worse than by going with one of Johnston’s…
October 22, 2015
Q & Answer: Fear And Clothing (aka How To Take Care Of Your Suede Shoes)
Nathan writes: I recently bought a pair of Alden unlined chukkas as a graduation present for myself. The process wasn’t…
September 2, 2015
It’s On Sale: Barbour Jackets
Tons of Barbour jackets on sale right now at Sierra Trading Post. Unfortunately, although the selection is big, everything is…
June 30, 2015
It’s On Sale: Sunglasses Here And There
In case you’ve sat on your sunglasses and need a new pair, there are a couple of good eyewear sales…
April 13, 2015
A Little Bull
Spit shines (otherwise known as bull polishing) can breathe new life into old shoes. The trick is to not overdo…
April 1, 2015
It’s On Sale: Red Wing Wabashas
Red Wing’s highly slept-on Wabashas are available in a full run of sizes at Sierra Trading Post. Most menswear enthusiasts…
January 15, 2015
Alden’s Factory Seconds
If you’ve been reading our site for any length of time, you’re probably familiar with the term “factory seconds.” It…
September 6, 2014
It’s On Sale: More Filson At STP
Earlier this week, we posted about the new stuff flowing into Sierra Trading Post from Filson. A few new cool…
September 3, 2014
Q And Answer: What To Pack For Traveling To Cold Climates?
Erieking writes us to ask: I’m looking to travel to Europe next year, and will be in many different climates. I have…
August 31, 2014
It’s On Sale: Filson Stuff
Sierra Trading Post just received a large shipment of new Filson items. Included are some of Filson’s bags, which are…
May 26, 2014
It’s On Sale: Scottish Cashmere Sweaters
Two sales going on at the moment for Scottish cashmere sweaters. The first is at East Dane, where v-necks from…
May 18, 2014
It’s On Sale: Shoes, Shoes, Shoes
Shoe sales are happening everywhere today. Shoebuy.com: 30% off your purchase if you use the checkout code EMLFRIENDS14. Included in the…
March 13, 2014
It’s On Sale: Shoe Accessories At Sierra Trading Post
Sierra Trading Post has some good deals on shoe accessories. The first are cedar shoe trees from Woodlore, which –…