April 26, 2011
Q And Answer: What Socks With Plimsoll Sneakers?
Dave asks: I just saw Derek’s post on plimsolls. I picked a pair up for the summer recently and coming…
March 28, 2011
Andy Sends This Amazing Vintage Advertisement
Andy sends this amazing vintage advertisement. Apparently it was part of his American Studies curriculum – a segment on the…
February 19, 2011
It’s On Sale: Pantharella Fancy Over-the-Calf Cotton Socks
Lots of new colors and patterns just came up on Sierra Trading Post – I bought eight pairs. These are…
December 30, 2010
This, Though, I’m Having Trouble Resisting
cbenjamin: Senor Lifshitz with the sock monkey shawl collar. Something meets something is almost always awful, especially in the world…
November 17, 2010
It’s On EBay – J. Press Aran Cable Wool Socks
We visited J. Press during our trip to New York this past week. Anytime I’m there I obsess over the…
October 11, 2010
Proper Socks
A man has come a long way when he shifts to proper socks – calf length and in navy, grey…
August 27, 2010
If You Want To See A Nightly Lesson In How A Suit Should Fit…
If you want to see a nightly lesson in how a suit should fit, watch The Late Show with David…
July 2, 2010
Q And Answer: The Matter Of Socks
Jason asks: For years I’ve been buying discount and department store socks and I think I’ve finally hit a critical…
June 14, 2010
We Got It For Free: Mocc Sock & Co.
When we posted last week about no-show socks, we outlined a huge variety of choices. I myself had largely been…
June 6, 2010
Maru Mori Brought Me
Maru Mori brought me a pair of socks which she knitted herself with her sheep-herder’s hands, two socks as soft…
June 4, 2010
The Liberating World Of No-Show Socks
We got an email the other day from a reader who wanted to know what kind of socks he should…
December 20, 2009
Eight Days Of Style
Reader Lucy wrote to us to ask that we suggest eight super-basic, affordable Hanukkah gifts for her boyfriend “to replace…
December 7, 2009
All I Want For Christmas: Nick Sullivan
In our series All I Want For Christmas, we ask men we like what style item they’d like to get…
November 4, 2009
Q & Answer: Matching Socks To Shoes
Chris S. writes: What considerations are necessary in the cuff/sock/shoe colour/pattern decsisionmaking flowchart? A good question, Chris. We can start…