November 3, 2011
We Got It For Free: Tailor4Less Sport Coat And Pants
Some men, like me, have a very difficult time fitting into off-the-rack garments. They may be too thin or heavy;…
October 27, 2011
We Got It For Free: Anderson & Sheppard’s A Style Is Born
Anderson & Sheppard’s new book, A Style is Born, is being released today. The 296-page volume is special in that…
October 26, 2011
The Importance Of Good Shoes
If you’re smartening up your wardrobe and have £1,000 to spend, think about putting two thirds of that on a…
October 12, 2011
Black Is The Color Of Evening Elegance
I’ve written before about why black suits are generally unsuitable during the day. They’re severe, they make you look like…
October 11, 2011
Suits For Wall Street
http://vimeo.com/30195078 The ad-hoc organization Suits for Wall Street have a fascinating goal: to improve the attire of those engaged in…
October 10, 2011
Q And Answer: Should I Wear A Sweater With A Suit?
Peter asks: As the weather gets cooler, but still too warm for topcoats, do you think it’s appropriate/advisable to layer…
October 8, 2011
This Fits EBay Tool
If you’re looking to buy suits or shoes on eBay, here’s a great tool. This Fits created custom eBay searches…
September 21, 2011
Autumn Has Caught Us In Our Summer Wear
Autumn has caught us in our summer wear. – Philip Larkin, British poet Fall officially begins on Friday. Before you…
September 7, 2011
Suit Supply’s Made-to-Measure Program
Five months ago or so, this article in the Wall Street Journal generated quite a buzz over an Amsterdam-based company called Suit Supply….
August 26, 2011
Three Basic Points Of Fit: Waist, Shoulder & Length
I want to highlight a few fit mistakes I see all too often on men in the street – and…
August 23, 2011
“The Most Basic Of Lightweight Combinations”
James Bond, in what Will Boehlke calls: “The most basic of lightweight combinations: blue tropical weight suit, white shirt, black…
July 21, 2011
In Praise Of Green Ties
Like my buddy Doc Hu, I’m a big fan of green ties. Pair them with a gray suit and dark…
July 19, 2011
The Perfect Suit
http://vimeo.com/26191974 Last night I watched the BBC documentary “The Perfect Suit.” It’s a breezy history of the men’s lounge suit….
July 14, 2011
Top 10 Suit Crimes
Patrick Johnson has been getting some buzz in the last four to six months. Partly because of their awesome Tumblr, and…
July 4, 2011
Collar Gaps & Shoulder Divots: An Explanation
There seems to have been some confusion about this post, in which our pal GW criticized some catalog photos for…