April 16, 2012
It’s On Sale: 6PM.com Boot Sale
6PM.com is having a sale on boots. Among the offerings are Sorel Caribous, a classic snow boot offered here at…
January 30, 2012
Dealing With Bad Weather
Every year starts off with a few months of bad weather. First there is snow, then the snow turns to…
January 5, 2012
Q And Answer: What Kind Of Shoes Are Best For Snowy Days?
David asks: Is it OK to wear leather soled shoes through the snow, or should I really get Dainite? If you’re…
December 24, 2011
Heavy Tweed Jacket
One of my favorite blogs, Heavy Tweed Jacket, has a habit of long hiatuses wherein he takes down his content…
December 21, 2011
Staying Warm
I was joking with friends a few weeks ago that Napoleon should have waited for global warming before he invaded…
December 11, 2011
Will From A Suitable Wardrobe’s New Overcoat
I have to admit I’m jealous of Will from A Suitable Wardrobe’s new overcoat. It’s absolutely stunning. I live in…
November 23, 2011
Fall And Winter Gloves
Depending on where you live, it may be time to start wearing gloves. When buying a pair, I recommend you…
November 7, 2011
Your Fall/ Winter Scarf
As the temperatures begin to dip, it will be important for you to have a few scarves on hand. If…
October 13, 2011
You Want Personal Style? You Got It Right Here.
I think that this guy, who goes by LabelKing on StyleForum, is just tremendous. His real name is Jeffrey something….
October 10, 2011
Q And Answer: Should I Wear A Sweater With A Suit?
Peter asks: As the weather gets cooler, but still too warm for topcoats, do you think it’s appropriate/advisable to layer…
September 27, 2011
A Basic Cashmere Wardrobe For Men
It doesn’t get much more versatile than a simple v-neck sweater in a basic, solid color. It doesn’t get much…
September 21, 2011
Autumn Has Caught Us In Our Summer Wear
Autumn has caught us in our summer wear. – Philip Larkin, British poet Fall officially begins on Friday. Before you…
September 19, 2011
Brooks Brothers Friends And Family Sale
Brooks Brothers’ Friends and Family Sale begins this Thursday. Nearly everything in their stores will be discounted by 25%. It’s…
August 1, 2011
Brooks Brothers Clearance Sales
Brooks Brothers has some nice things on clearance right now. There are two items in the inventory that I own and…