April 9, 2012
My Philosophy Is: As The Face Gets Worse
My philosophy is: as the face gets worse, the clothes have to get better. Steve Martin (via mostexerent)
January 6, 2012
Drake’s Diary: Sixteen Stylish Maxims For The New Year
Drake’s Diary: Sixteen Stylish Maxims for the New Year drakes-london: Style and taste are a particular sort of intelligence, and…
December 27, 2011
If Half The Soul Is Dirt?
What profits now to understand The merits of the spotless shirt A dapper boot A little hand If half the…
December 26, 2011
Be Yourself – But Don’t Be Conspicuous
Be yourself – but don’t be conspicuous. Fred Astaire’s style philosophy
December 14, 2011
Socks Inside Of Shoes; It’s That Simple
Socks inside of shoes; it’s that simple. Style Tips for Men, courtesy of The Onion
November 26, 2011
Fashion Is A Dangerous Road To Go Down
Fashion is a dangerous road to go down. Anybody who is going to have children later in life had best…
November 25, 2011
Never Wear A Hat That Has More Character Than You
Never wear a hat that has more character than you. Utah Phillips (thanks, Mike)
September 25, 2011
Clothes Came In Falls A Trifle Short
Probably every new and eagerly expected garment ever put on since clothes came in falls a trifle short of the…
August 18, 2011
And, After All, What Is A Fashion?
And, after all, what is a fashion? From the artistic point of view, it is usually a form of ugliness…
August 18, 2011
William Carlos Williams, “Danse Russe”
If when my wife is sleepingand the baby and Kathleenare sleepingand the sun is a flame-white discin silken mistsabove shining…
August 9, 2011
I Don’t Like The Shiny Look
I don’t like the shiny look. I like something that’s more worn, softer and handmade. When things are made by…
May 15, 2011
Everybody Wanna Know How I Became Famous, How I’m A Celebrity
Everybody wanna know how I became famous, how I’m a celebrity / I did it independently / didn’t nobody sign…
April 29, 2011
Chinos And Khakis
I can’t really tell the difference between chinos and khakis but I know that chinos are cool and khakis are…
April 26, 2011
Sometimes People Ask Me About How I Created My Little Media Empire. This Is How.
Sometimes people ask me about how I created my little media empire. This is how. Ira spent 20 years working…