A Brave Soul Has Taken On The Vital Issue Of SHOELACE SECURITY

November 17, 2009

a brave soul has taken on the vital issue of SHOELACE SECURITY

Finally, a brave soul has taken on the vital issue of SHOELACE SECURITY.

Tim wrote to us that he couldn’t ever get his leather shoelaces to stay tied, until he hit upon the solution: THE SECURE KNOT.

Thanks to the shoelace encyclopedia that is Ian’s Shoelace Site, Tim found a knot that lasts throughout the day, even on his tough-to-tie boat shoes and Bean boots.  You can find exhaustive instructions here – it seems the key is making two loops, like you were going to tie the 6-year-old way, but crossing both loops over, rather than just one.  We’re going to have to give it a try.

Kudos to TIM for the excellent suggestion, and kudos to IAN for his AMAZING SHOELACE WEBSITE.

Now: we know what you’re thinking.  “But Jesse and Adam, I like tying shoelaces at home, but I love tying shoelaces on the run!”

Don’t worry.  Ian the king of shoelaces has an iPhone app.