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December 16, 2014
Is Courting Controversy An Urban Outfitters Strategy?
Is Courting Controversy An Urban Outfitters Strategy? Questionable sincerity aside, the recent pileup of apparent missteps by the retailer raises…
December 15, 2014
Shoes For Rainy Days
We’ve been suffering through some pretty bad storms here in San Francisco. When the weather is this wet, you need…
December 15, 2014
Our Beloved Sponsors
Twice a month, we like to thank the companies who support us, and say a little about what they do. …
December 15, 2014
The Modern Woodsmen Of America Baseball Team, Two Rivers, Wisconsin, Circa 1900
I have no commentary, other than to offer that this is the greatest photograph in history. Via Uniwatch.
December 15, 2014
If You’re Still Looking For The Perfect Christmas Gift
If you’re still looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the gentleman on your list, or if someone who loves…
December 13, 2014
A Really Great Article About Helmut Lang
Dressing casually actually requires that a man take fashion more seriously than dressing formally does. John Seabrook in a really…
December 13, 2014
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of December 14th – December 20th
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week, plus heads-up on recommended sales. If you’re a member of…
December 12, 2014
EBay Roundup
Our friend the RJcat always finds the best stuff, like this absolutely stunning Hermes travel bag. I’d be tempted to buy it…
December 12, 2014
Dress As I Say, Not As I Do
A while back I highlighted the mild and tasteful personal style of the people who in turn design some of…
December 11, 2014
Peter In San Francisco
Congrats to our friend Peter in San Francisco for being featured in SF Gate today. Pete’s one of the best dressed guys we…
December 11, 2014
In Praise Of Long Overcoats
Most overcoats these days come about mid-thigh. That’s partly because most are worn by men who drive on a regular…
December 11, 2014
“American Ham.”
My pal Nick Offerman has a new comedy special on Netflix called “American Ham.” This is a beautiful and touching…
December 11, 2014
Why I Come To Le Veau D’Or
When I was perhaps 11 years old and in my hometown of Ocean City, I’d go to the drugstore to…
December 10, 2014
Suits Loosen Up
Jeffery Diduch over at Tutto Fatto a Mano has a great post about how he incorporated a little 1920s tailoring…
December 9, 2014
EBay Roundup
In addition to all the things Jesse and I found this weekend, I’ve got a Nigel Cabourn Donegal wool cardigan…