All Articles
November 12, 2012
Sierra Trading Post Got A New Shipment Of Shoe Trees
Sierra Trading Post got a new shipment of shoe trees in. Get them for about $11 a pair once you…
November 12, 2012
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of November 12th – November 18th
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week. If you’re a member of the Inside Track, click through,…
November 12, 2012
Personal Style Through Elimination
Ivy-Style had a nice post last week about the well-edited wardrobe, which reminded me of how much stuff I’ve gotten…
November 12, 2012
Every 25 Years
““Every 25 years I seem to come back in fashion.” – Prince Charles on the vagaries of fashion and the…
November 12, 2012
Should I Cuff My Trousers?
Cuffs (called turnups by the Brits) are a curious phenomenon. They seem to have emerged from country clothing – an…
November 11, 2012
Derek mentioned Markkt recently on the blog. They’re a UK-based sample sale site with a very cool collection of brands….
November 11, 2012
An A-1 Flight Jacket From Lost Worlds Inc.
All I want for Christmas is an A-1 Flight Jacket from Lost Worlds Inc.
November 11, 2012
Barbour Is Having A Big Warehouse Sale This Weekend And Next
For our readers in or near Milford, New Hampshire: Barbour is having a big warehouse sale this weekend and next…
November 11, 2012
Interview With Stephen Tobolowsky
From time to time, I like to share a little something from my public radio show, Bullseye. Above is an…
November 10, 2012
1980s Article On Ralph Lauren
‘I was a great fan of the Duke of Windsor,“ (Ralph) Lauren says. ‘I was so influenced by him. And…
November 10, 2012
Audio Slideshow: Donald John Mackay, Harris Tweed Weaver
Audio Slideshow: Donald John Mackay, Harris Tweed Weaver Really lovely piece from The Guardian. I wish I could embed it,…
November 10, 2012
You Find Weird Things Thrifting
You find weird things thrifting. Like a blazer for the Sea Org.
November 9, 2012
EBay Roundup
There are some really nice autumnal wool neckties in the neckwear section today. Also, special thanks to the RJcat for…
November 9, 2012
In Praise Of Vintage Polo
The more I lurk on eBay and flip through thrift store racks, the more a conclusion starts to form in…
November 8, 2012
Arrow Moccasins: Handmade At An Amazing Price
I just got off the phone with the good people at Arrow Moccasins. They’re a small family company in Hudson,…