All Articles
January 30, 2010
It’s On Sale
Generic Man “Academy” Sneaker $69 from $295 at Bird NYC (only size 9 & 9.5 remaining)
January 29, 2010
Big News From The Folks At Levi’s…
Big news from the folks at Levi’s… their most contemporary cut, the 514, is now available in Japanese selvage denim. …
January 29, 2010
Q And Answer: Dressing For A Job Interview
Daniel writes: I’m going on my first interview in many years next week. While I’m certain the range of ‘what…
January 28, 2010
It’s On EBay: Victorian Abalone Cufflinks
I always prefer double-sided links, and mother of pearl or abalone is a lovely choice. Elegant and appropriate for almost…
January 28, 2010
Q And Answer: Shoe Repair
Jacob writes: After a most successful vintage shopping trip in San Francisco, I found myself with a pair of exceptionally…
January 28, 2010
We Got It For Free: Birds Of Sausalito Boxers
Once in a while, clothing companies will send us something to try out. This time around, the folks at Birds…
January 28, 2010
Q And Answer: Cuff Links
Eric writes: I recently found myself with a French cuff shirt and no cuff links. I don’t wear suits all…
January 27, 2010
Now, The Norm Macdonald Fan Club… Those Guys Are Dandies Now, the Norm Macdonald Fan Club… those guys are dandies. (Source:
January 27, 2010
Some Of The Best Of PTO
Some of the best of Put This On So many have joined us in the past few months, so I…
January 26, 2010
Where Your Thrift Store Donations Go (hint: Often Not The Thrift Store)
Where your thrift store donations go (hint: often not the thrift store)
January 25, 2010
I’m In Park City…
I’m enjoying The Sundance Film Festival, and working like a fiend booking and conducting interviews for The Sound of Young…
January 22, 2010
It’s On Ebay Crazy Canvas / Wool Boots
Seriously: if you know anything about these crazy boots, tell me. They’re kind of hideous, kind of amazing, and I’m…
January 21, 2010
Wedding Talk
All this wedding talk has got us pumped on true love, and just in time, our pal and logo designer…
January 21, 2010
William Howard Taft: Hero Of The Fats
William Howard Taft was our nation’s fattest leader. He typically weighed more than 300 pounds, and according to legend once…