September 23, 2012
It’s On Sale: Lands’ End 30% Off
Lands’ End is offering an additional 30% off coupon with free shipping at the moment. The above shirt – which…
September 22, 2012
A Man Should Dress In A Way That You Don’t Notice
A man should dress in a way that you don’t notice. He looks good and you don’t know why. But…
September 22, 2012
Ben And The Engadget Show
http://embed.5min.com/517485218/ When our director Ben Harrison isn’t frantically editing our Milan episodes (coming soon!), he directs the Engadget Show. Considering…
September 21, 2012
Brooks Brothers Launched Their Friends & Family Sale Today
Brooks Brothers launched their Friends & Family sale today – 25% off whatever. This is the time to grab stuff…
September 21, 2012
EBay Roundup
Our friend the RJcat contributed some great links to today’s roundup. He also happens to have a few auctions up…
September 21, 2012
Awesome Collection Of Archival Photos Of American Lesbians
We get a lot of email from women who wear men’s clothes – for gender, sexual or social identity reasons,…
September 20, 2012
We Got It For Free: Vintage Menswear
I spent my after-dinner hours last night flipping through a copy of Vintage Menswear, which was delivered to me courtesy…
September 20, 2012
I Love Pretty Much Everything Archival Clothing Makes
I love pretty much everything Archival Clothing makes, and this is no exception. It’s just a waxed cotton baseball cap….
September 19, 2012
Classics For The Unsure And Indecisive
I was trying to decide the other day whether I should buy a certain pair of brogues from a Hungarian…
September 18, 2012
EBay Roundup
I was just wearing a dark brown version of these chukkas the other day and appreciating what nice boots they are for…
September 17, 2012
Sleeve Pitch
StyleForum member tailorgod has a nice animation to illustrate what is meant when someone says that a jacket’s sleeve pitch is…
September 17, 2012
Our Beloved Sponsors
Our thanks go to Ledbury for helping make it possible for us to bring you Put This On. For those…
September 17, 2012
Put This On’s Inside Track For The Week Of September 17th – September 23rd
Here are our hand-selected favorites from eBay for this week. If you’re a member of the Inside Track, click through,…
September 17, 2012
I Had A Brooks Brothers Herringbone Almost Exactly Like This
I had a Brooks Brothers herringbone almost exactly like this. Size 41L. Mid-60s. Half-lined. Lost it in Heathrow Airport, running…
September 16, 2012
“The Only Difference” Between The Sartorialist And August Sander
“The only difference” between The Sartorialist and August Sander