November 23, 2010
Q And Answer: What Sweaters With What Shirts?
Jason asks: What are the rules re: sweaters and vnecks and wearing shirts underneath them again? V-necks = no collars….
November 22, 2010
The Fashion Axe And Its Ancient Precedents
You can’t help wondering about some experts in the future examining trace remains of a pristine Best Made ax, smartly…
November 22, 2010
The Fashion Axe Is Back On Gilt Groupe Today
The Fashion Axe is back on Gilt Groupe today. It’s an axe made by an axemaker, then painted with two…
November 22, 2010
The Pre-tied Bow Tie
Is it odd that the part of this that most bothers me is the pre-tied bow tie?
November 22, 2010
The Great Drumohr Rush
We’ve written here about the difference between high and low-quality cashmere. Drumohr is one of the few Scottish cashmere producers…
November 22, 2010
Not exactly sure what our man Wale is up to, but it’s pretty dang cool… on some Pharcyde. (Source: https://player.vimeo.com/)
November 22, 2010
Great Example Of What To Start With
mostexerent: I have pretty much the above & then the same in dark brown. After this, then start with rep…
November 21, 2010
It’s On EBay – Paul Stuart (by Grenson) Loafers (11C)
Start at $9.99 or BIN $79.99
November 21, 2010
I’m Participating In ‘No-Mustache Movember’ Or, As I Like To Call It, November™.
So if you see me fresh-faced this month and have any awareness of men’s health issues laying around, be sure…
November 20, 2010
I Applaud Young Chris For Putting His State Property Days Behind Him
cbenjamin: I applaud Young Chris (formerly of the Young Gunz) for putting his State Property days behind him and trying…
November 19, 2010
‘RNA Tie Club’
Via Wikipedia (and Andy): The idea of James Watson and Russian physicist George Gamow, the RNA Tie Club was a…