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season 2
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March 28, 2012
Find Cover
It’s beginning to drizzle where I live, so I’ve been thinking about umbrellas a lot. The Chinese are said to…
March 22, 2012
An Interesting Interview With Fok-Yan Leung
An interesting interview with Fok-Yan Leung, the manager and co-owner of StyleForum over on HypeBeast. Fok’s gearing up for their…
March 22, 2012
The Great Kefir Clean-Up
When we planned our ad spot for Lifeway Kefir, we expected to find some clothes for me to wear at…
March 14, 2012
Who Knew What The Hell Polo Was Before Ralph Lauren?
Who knew what the hell polo was before Ralph Lauren? I mean, what the hell IS polo? Is it golf…
March 7, 2012
PTO Man: G. Bruce Boyer
In this special bonus preview for Season Two of the menswear series Put This On, writer G. Bruce Boyer talks…
March 6, 2012
Menswear Books: Alan Flusser, Dressing The Man
If I didn’t know the name Alan Flusser, I’d still trust Dressing the Man by virtue of heft alone. Its…
March 1, 2012
The Shut Up And Shoot Freelance Video Guide
Our season two director Benjamin Ahr Harrison is an accomplished music video helmsman, and he’s also taught the art of…
March 1, 2012
Q And Answer: What Should I Get For My Second Pair Of Dress Trousers?
Chris writes: I mostly wear jeans and chinos, but I’m slowly working my way towards a more work-appropriate wardrobe. As such,…
February 27, 2012
Three Thoughts On Trousers
1. You need more than jeans. In an interview published earlier this month, Luciano Barbera said he objected to men…
February 1, 2012
Molloy & Sons Have Gotten Some Stock Together For Retail Sale
Just saw a note over on StyleForum that our friends Kieran & Shaun Molloy at Molloy & Sons have gotten…
January 23, 2012
Ramen Noodle Budget: Online Retail Deals
My general rule is to never buy anything at full retail price if I can help it. Most things make…
January 22, 2012
Emergency Travel Supplies: Cuff Links And Collar Stays
I’m not the kind of guy who travels with a lot of crap. My dopp kit has some shaving oil,…
January 17, 2012
EBay Round Up
Jesse and the team are off shooting season two of our video series, so Kenn and I put together today’s…
January 13, 2012
voxsart: Bryan Ferry, in Anderson & Sheppard, with his new wife, Amanda Sheppard, January 2012. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs….
December 28, 2011
An Amazing Year Here
We’re getting our first reports from the field of collar cards arriving at donors’ homes, narrowly beating our “early 2012”…