Care and Maintenance
February 22, 2013
A Cheap Iron
A year or two ago, I got inspired to up my ironing game. I read some iron reviews and bought…
January 21, 2013
Proper Garment Care
Buying high quality garments, with the assumption that they’re built to last, only means something if you know how to…
January 14, 2013
Men’s Ex On Shoe Care
If you’re interested in knowing how to fully take care of your shoes, StyleForum member Nutcracker has kindly taken the…
December 27, 2012
Beware Of Steamers
A garment steamer, like the one you see above, can be useful to take out wrinkles. If you use one,…
December 3, 2012
Drying Off
It started raining in the Bay Area this weekend. Really turbulent winds and heavy showers meant that every time I…
November 21, 2012
Dealing With Stains
Since Thanksgiving is tomorrow and you, or someone you know, will likely spill something on their best clothes, I thought…
September 3, 2012
How To Take Care Of Rugged Boots
I spent yesterday’s afternoon cleaning and preparing my field boots for use this fall. Rugged boots, such as those designed…
July 24, 2012
Taking Care Of Shell Cordovan
Ron Rider gives some simple tips on how to clean up and restore shell cordovan shoes. Above is a pair…
May 2, 2012
Proper Clothing Care
Presumably you have all the things you need to properly take care of your shoes (cedar trees, conditioners and cleaners,…
April 16, 2012
Q And Answer: Can I Get Bedbugs From Used Clothes On EBay?
Dwight asks: What is the risk of getting bedbugs from an eBay purchase and what are the proper steps to…
March 7, 2012
Bulling Shoes
Every once in a while, I like to bull my shoes. Bulling refers to a shoe polishing technique that results…
February 8, 2012
Go Easy On The Wax
I recently bought a new pair of Crockett and Jones Belgraves from a seller I found online. I was able…
November 29, 2011
Q And Answer: How Should You Store Your Shoe Care Supplies?
Matt writes to ask: Can you suggest a kit or supply chest for shoe care products? Ethan Desu once wrote something…
November 14, 2011
Q And Answer: How Should You Protect Your Suede Shoes?
Brett writes to ask: I have a pair of suede plain-toe bluchers coming from Alden. What do you do, if…
October 27, 2011
Some More Tips On Seasonal Storage
Park & Bond asked me to write some more tips on seasonal storage, so I put something together. Check it…