Frank Clegg Leatherworks
November 1, 2017
A Bespoke Tailor On Why You Shouldn’t Wear Shoulder Bags Or Backpacks With Suits
If you walk through any downtown business center nowadays, you’re more likely to see men in suits wearing backpacks than…
March 23, 2017
The Lightest, Easiest Bag Possible: A Folio
I love a good bag, but as my work has become more and more digital over the years, I find…
March 25, 2015
Q & Answer: Keeping Your EDC Stuff Organized
Mike emails to ask: Not sure this has to do much with style, but I’m looking to purchase some kind of…
October 17, 2013
It’s Kind Of On Sale? Elsa Peretti Money Clips
Over the weekend, Tiffany & Co. quietly lowered the price of their Elsa Peretti money clips from $195 to $150….
February 25, 2013
We Got It For Free: First & Company Coat Wallet
A few months ago, I received a coat wallet from First & Company, a relatively new leather goods upstart based…
June 18, 2012
How To Examine Quality In Leather Goods, Part II
We talked last week about how to judge the quality of leather, but there’s more to leather goods than leather,…
June 14, 2012
How To Examine Quality In Leather Goods, Part I
I recently had the good fortune of talking to Dave Munson and Frank Clegg – the two men behind Saddleback…