March 29, 2013
Q & Answer: My Pocket Square Makes My Lapel Bulge!
Gus asks: I have a recurring problem with my jackets: the left lapel bulges open when I put a pocket…
January 30, 2013
The Rule Of Thumb
There’s a rule of thumb (literally) that’s often passed around for how to determine the proper length of a suit…
November 15, 2012
Green Jackets
I think winter has arrived in some parts of the country, but here in Northern California, it still feels like…
September 12, 2012
It’s On Sale: Barbour International
Barbour International on sale at Bloomingdales for $209.50. Free shipping to boot. Note that if you want, you can take…
August 17, 2012
Q And Answer: When Can I Wear A Tie Without A Jacket?
David asks: Just recently found your blog, and it’s a go-to for me everyday. I do have a question. You…
August 1, 2012
Second Time A Brown
Whether worn casually with beat-up chinos and a pair of brown loafers, or more formally with grey flannel pants and…
June 12, 2012
Un-Lining A Jacket
A week or so ago, I picked up this jacket at a thrift store. It didn’t need too much adjustment…
April 11, 2012
Put This On Season Two, Episode 2: Eclecticism
Put This On, a web series about dressing like a grownup, visits New York City, where eclectic style is a…
April 11, 2012
Put This On Season 2, Episode 2: How It’s Made: Jacket
Put This On visits tailor Leonard Logsdail in New York City to see what’s inside a men’s suit jacket, and…
March 26, 2012
How A Suit Jacket Or Sport Coat Should Fit
A couple of weeks ago, I said that there are different schools of thought on how a jacket should fit,…
February 9, 2012
Q And Answer: The Partially-Lined Blazer
Layton writes: I recently bought a Paul Stuart tweed blazer on eBay. I’m happy with the way it looks on…
January 30, 2012
Dealing With Bad Weather
Every year starts off with a few months of bad weather. First there is snow, then the snow turns to…
December 26, 2011
Three Post-Christmas Sales
Brooks Brothers’ after-Christmas sale has started, and if you shop today, you get an additional 20% off. That puts the jacket you…
November 3, 2011
We Got It For Free: Tailor4Less Sport Coat And Pants
Some men, like me, have a very difficult time fitting into off-the-rack garments. They may be too thin or heavy;…
September 21, 2011
Autumn Has Caught Us In Our Summer Wear
Autumn has caught us in our summer wear. – Philip Larkin, British poet Fall officially begins on Friday. Before you…