Oak Street Bootmakers
May 23, 2019
Good Memorial Day Sales Abound
Memorial Day is this coming Monday, and it’s the unofficial start of summer. Leading up to the long weekend, stores…
July 7, 2016
Moc Talk: Reviewing Four Summer Moccasins
Summer footwear is all about ease – sneakers you can kick up your feet in, dirty bucks you don’t have…
January 21, 2016
Make Your Own Moccasins (1937)
Maurice H. Decker, who served as Camping Editor for Outdoor Life, writes this amazing guide on how to make your own…
September 10, 2015
The Wonderful World Of Slip-On Shoes
The weather has been so miserable lately. Everyone is waiting for fall to arrive, but with temperatures being in the…
May 7, 2014
The Language Of Penny Loafers
As the weather gets warmer and we inch closer to summer, I most look forward to when I can wear…
March 6, 2014
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Wear
Like anyone who feels guilty about how much they’ve spent on their shoes, I’m fairly good at taking care of…
December 11, 2013
Dealing With Salt Stains
One of the big dangers for shoes in the winter is salt stains. When roads become icy and salt gets…
September 30, 2013
It’s On Sale: Oak Street Bootmakers’ Camp Boots
Oak Street Bootmakers just put their camp boots on 30% discount, which brings the price down from ~$335 to ~$235…
July 16, 2013
Three Good Sales
Three good sales started today. The first is at Drake’s, who just put a selection of their men’s accessories on discount….
May 13, 2013
Camp Mocs
In the last 100 years or so, Americans have invented some of the most classic slip-on shoe styles for men,…
May 30, 2012
Casual Summer Footwear
Like most men of my generation, I rarely wear more “formal” clothes such as dark wool suits and black oxford…